
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Short profile of myself

Ayo Elizabeth Olaogun, the founder of the fashion label Ayo
van Elmar, is a Vienna-based designer who originates from
Lagos, Nigeria.

After having completed her BSc in nutritional sciences, Ayo
embarked on the study of fashion design at Vienna's prestigious
University of Applied Arts.
From its beginnings in 2010, Ayo van Elmar has developed in
leaps and bounds.

Short profile of my label

Ayo van Elmar designs are contemporary and one of a kind, her
strengths are rooted in exploring the beauty of afrocentric
fabrics and creating exquisite styles for the woman
who is liberal,
who is cosmopolitan,
who is open-minded and
the woman who believes that elegance knows no bound.

Each Ayo van Elmar piece is only made once in a maximum of
five different sizes.

Ayo van Elmar’s sights are set on further expanding across
Europe while at the same time strengthening its foothold in the
African fashion industry.

She will showcase her collections during Nigeria's Next Super Model Grand Finale 2011 at Oriental Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos. On the 20th Nov. 2011.

Address; Schulgasse 37 / 15, A-1180 Vienna Austria

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