
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Meal With Models

It was only the latest of the many Japan relief benefits that have sprung up around New York and around the world since the earthquake and tsunami, but this one was distinguished in at least one way—it was a lot taller. Blame it on the hostesses, two of the most in-demand catwalkers working: Britt Maren (back to blonde, after a season as a brunette) and Alana Zimmer (left). “We saw the news and were just devastated,” said Zimmer at Saturday’s Brunch Happening, proceeds from which went to the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. Zimmer, in fact, had tried to put together a similar event over a year ago for Haiti, but her work and travel schedule proved too much at the time. This time, she solicited the help of pal Maren—and Maren’s boyfriend, a sous chef at the Lower East Side restaurant the Fat Radish, which played host for the afternoon. (”I’m not a Fat Radish,” read the T-shirts on sale. “I’m just big-boned.”)

With the location and food squared away, the girls got Orlo salon, MAC Cosmetics, and Fallon jewelry to donate prizes for a silent auction. They also brought in an acoustic guitar player and graffiti artists to tag canvases. But for model-watchers, the real attraction was the guest list: Hanne Gaby Odiele, Jana Knauerova, Sheila Marquez, and Ashley Smith all stopped by, as did industry folk like Richard Chai and casting bigwig Russell Marsh.

Photo: Marc Stamas / Getty Images Entertainment

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